A Better Glynn Presents: The Justice Journey

An Immersive Historical Journey for High School Students

Will You Join us On This Journey?

For three years, A Better Glynn has worked tirelessly in our community to effect change. One of our greatest successes, however, is helping develop young people. And we began to brainstorm questions to figure out how we might be able to identify, educate, and empower them to be equity-driven leaders. We asked:

    How can we get young leaders to come back to our community to live and work as change agents?
    What if we could show kids the importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities?
    Could we create a space for young men and women to learn about history in a unique way?
    What if there was a way that we could take them on a journey to see the places they hear about from their parents and grandparents?

As a result, we put together an initiative called The Justice Journey.
The Justice Journey was launched to shape future leaders in Glynn County. Our team decided that we did not want to stand by while others attempted to erase important Civil Rights era history in the classroom. Instead, we have proactively created a unique journey for our students to have a hands-on experience and immerse themselves in a history that others are trying to erase.
The Justice Journey sets out to provide youth leadership training through experiential trips across the U.S., highlighting historic sites and their connection to social justice.
Through this journey, we hope these young men and women are future history makers, becoming a part of the history they will learn along the way.
Will you join us on this journey?



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    This phase of the journey will explore destinations in coastal Georgia and South Carolina, including Brunswick, Georgia, Sapelo Island, Georgia, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. At each location, the students will learn oft-neglected history in high school curricula, while seeing their own potential to become history makers in their time.

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    This phase of the journey will explore destinations around the South, including Atlanta, Georgia, Birmingham, Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama, Memphis, Tennessee, and Little Rock, Arkansas. In addition, students will get tours of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in each city and meet with prominent city officials who are persons of color. 

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    Our audacious goal is to award several students who have successfully gone through the journey with full-tuition scholarships to a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) of their choice. The scholarship comes attendant with a commitment to return to Glynn County for a 5-year employment opportunity with a local employer in our pool of partner employers. Employment fields will cover a broad range of needs locally, from public service to education. 

The Coastal Journey

BETTER is worth fighting for.